Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Fish Care And Aquarium Support

1. Know Your Fish: the care of your fish is determined largely by what type of fish they are i.e. saltwater or freshwater. The first kind is also referred to as marine fish. The kind of water-home you provide for your fish friends depends on the category they fall under as saltwater fish need to be looked in at daily to check for their good health in an alien environment and this is why experts recommend fish-owners to observe the patterns of behavior of every fish in the tank so anything out of the ordinary can be recorded and attended to by a pet specialist.

Fish Care

2. Learn about the eating pattern of your fish to fix a daily routine for them as some fish may require frequent meals while others can do with just one meal daily; it is important to understand and interpret the eating demands of your fish.

3. Try and keep the aquarium water clean as neglecting this aspect may cause chlorine buildup in the tank, leading to unhygienic conditions for the fish in it. You can invest in some affordable water-filters to maintain aquarium water and find out about adding calcium in it besides adding iodine salt twice weekly for marine fish kept in a tank. Clearing the aquarium of algae buildup that contains photosynthetic substances is essential too for the healthy upkeep of your fish.

 4. Another tip for maintaining tank water of the best quality is to filter out at least 15 per cent of it contained in the tank on a weekly basis and refill this quantity with pure, oxygenated water to prevent build-up of chemicals that can be harmful for the fish. Don't hesitate to seek advice from the local pet shop on the ways to eliminate chemical build-up in your tank water and the type of filtration system you can use to benefit your fishy friends.

5. Always work to remove debris such as gravel etc. from the tank before attempting to clean and change the water. Check for any impurities such as ammonia content etc. in the aquarium water by investing in a tester kit and buffer system easily available in the market and use this every 2 weeks to spot harmful levels of other chemicals, such as copper, chlorine and nitrate build-up etc. and to check the pH level of the tank water. However, do remember that fish tend to produce their own level of nitrites, which are not harmful for them and only concentrate on removing the nitrous acidy salts that can be toxic for them. When doing these weekly tests,add in the useful alkalinity build up test on a monthly basis also to judge the concentration of it in terms with the pH level of the tank water
Fish Care

6. Investing in a good quality chemical, mechanical or biological filter that your local pet shop can guide you about is a smart way to prevent fish from falling ill when kept in an aquarium environment and checking to see these are working properly is also important as a bi-weekly filter-check can tell you when a replacement is due. Keeping your fish records updated and your aquarium clean is essential for fishy friends to breathe easy - click online for more details!


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